Share Your Scholarship Programs with Us

Help Us Spread Opportunities

We’re on a mission to promote inclusive growth and equal access to education in the tech industry. We believe that everyone , regardless of their background or financial situation, should have the opportunity to gain the skills they need to succeed.

To help make this vision a reality, we’re inviting you to share any scholarship programs you know of so we can spread the word and support even more people in their educational and professional journeys.

Why Share Your Scholarship Program?

By sharing your scholarship program with us, you will:

  1. Expand Reach: Increase awareness of your scholarship program within a diverse and engaged community.

  2. Promote Inclusivity: Contribute to the collective effort of making tech education accessible to all, regardless of background or financial situation.

  3. Empower More Individuals: Help talented individuals gain the skills they need to succeed and make a positive impact in the tech industry.

How to Share Your Scholarship Program

Please fill out the form below with the details of your scholarship program. Our team will review the information and include it in our resources section for others to access.